Career Guidance & Mentoring
Got a question regarding your chosen career or need someone to talk to?
Help for pilots with airline application forms and flying academy application forms.
Experienced Pilots, Caring Support
Get Yourself a Wingman!
Career Guidance - Do you need someone to chat through some career choices?
If you have some questions about your career that you just can’t seem to find the answers to, then Flight Deck Wingman is here to help…
Career Guidance from £49.99
Gain clarity and support from industry experts.
We know that there are lots of different questions that you might have and that every pilot’s circumstances are different. But whether you have a licensing enquiry, are transitioning from military to civilian flying, have a question about how to effectively prepare for a job application or just need someone to talk to, we will help you find the answers you’re looking for!
Who’s it for?
Anyone! Here are some of the common topics/areas that we help with:
- Training pathway options.
- Career changes e.g. later in life.
- Choosing an ATO.
- The current and likely future jobs market.
- Is now the right time to start flight training.
- Considering moving airline.
- Leaving the Armed Forces and making the transition to the airlines.
- And much more…
How it works
- Book your call in blocks of 30 minutes.
- You will have the opportunity to detail the topics you’d like to discuss or the challenges that you are facing when making your booking.
- Your Wingman will review this ahead of your call to ensure that we tailor our support to your individual needs and circumstances.
- You Wingman will call you at your booked appointment time.
Career Mentoring - Do you need someone to talk to in confidence?
Sometimes there are some topics that you would like to chat about in confidence. Flight Deck Wingman’s friendly team of highly experienced pilots are on hand to help.
Career Mentoring from £49.99
You can use this service at any time and we always assure you of complete confidentiality.¹ What’s more, all of our advisors are Mental Health England First Aid (MHFA England) trained and will speak to you in total confidence about any topic or issues that you might be facing.
Who’s it for?
Anyone! Here are some of the common topics/areas that we help with:
- Disciplinary processes.
- Training issues e.g. failed line training.
- Bullying or harassment.
- Confidence issues.
- And much more…
How it works
- Book your call in blocks of 30 minutes.
- You will have the opportunity to detail the topics you’d like to discuss or the challenges that you are facing when making your booking.
- Your Wingman will review this ahead of your call to ensure that we tailor our support to your individual needs and circumstances.
- You Wingman will call you at your booked appointment time.
¹ If we believe you may be a danger to yourself or anyone else, we have a duty of care to you and will support you to find appropriate professional support.
Schedule Below from £49.99
Frequently Asked Questions
Whether you are applying to an airline, a flight school or for some kind of pilot sponsorship scheme, answering application questions often forms part of the pilot, or future pilot selection process. Our pilot application questions services can help!
What is a pilot essay question looking for?
Essay questions are frequently used at all levels of an initial screening process for airlines, flight schools and pilot sponsorship or scholarship schemes. These questions are often poorly answered by candidates who don’t understand the importance of putting together a well thought answer. Recruiters and assessors will be looking for you to evidence knowledge of the position you are applying for and to evidence how your competencies would make you a worthy recipient of further consideration. If you don’t put the effort into answering these questions properly, then don’t be surprised if you are not successful!
How long should my answer be to a pilot essay question?
Most airlines, flight schools or sponsorship/scholarship schemes will make it clear how long your answer should be e.g. “In no more than 300 words…”. If this is the case, then make sure that you count the words carefully using a word count on your computer. If they don’t specify a limit, then we would recommend keeping answers to no more than 300 words – relevant and concise, just like a brief in an aircraft.
Is a pilot essay question as important as my pilot CV?
Almost – certainly! You might think that your experience would speak for itself, but a well motivated pilot candidate will take the time to answer a pilot essay question thoroughly and comprehensively. This could mean that a pilot with less experience is progressed over a candidate with more experience – take your time!