Here are our ‘Top Tips’ for a successful sim assessment!

Did you know… That in one large airline’s recent sim assessment campaign, only 3% of candidates failed solely because of manual flying! With this statistic in mind, it is a surprise therefore, that most candidates prioritise their manual flying when readying themselves for a sim assessment. Indeed, many sim assessment preparation companies will focus on this as their training methodology. Flight Deck Wingman is not following the crowd and here’s why…

The way that candidates are being assessed is changing…

The criteria that airlines are currently using to select pilots is changing. Most airlines are now moving towards “Evidence Based Training” (EBT) to train and (during recurrent checking) check their pilots. As this move towards EBT accelerates, so the way that candidates are assessed during a recruitment campaign is changing too.

The way that candidates are being assessed is changing

What is the point of a simulator assessment?

There are several reasons that candidates are assessed during a simulator assessment, but one of the most important ones is “trainability”. This doesn’t just mean how good a stick and rudder pilot you are! Most assessment processes will include an assessment of your performance against the IATA core pilot competencies. These include the following, with most airlines also incorporating “Professional Standards” into the range of competencies:

“There are several reasons that candidates are assessed during a simulator assessment, but one of the most important ones is ‘trainability’. This doesn’t just mean how good a stick and rudder pilot you are!”

Understanding the importance of the Pilot Competencies and crucially, how to apply them!

It is surprising just how many pilots either don’t understand the importance of, or don’t effectively evidence the pilot competencies during training and checking/assessment. The first exposure a pilot is likely to have to these competencies is during an MCC course, but as with most training, pilots can often view it as a “tick box” exercise on their way to the flight deck – not so! It is crucial that you understand the importance of these competencies and this is especially true during a simulator assessment. This doesn’t just apply to low-hours pilots of course. Many experienced pilots will pay lip service to the pilot competencies when it comes to a sim assessment for a job opportunity. In fact, we have commonly heard pilots refer to the competencies as the “touchy feely stuff that ‘they’ (the recruiters) want to see”! Do not fall into this trap – the pilot competencies are a crucial part of any sim assessment process.

Wingman Magdi is a highly experienced trainer and airline recruiter and leads the Flight Deck Wingman simulator assessment preparation.

“It is crucial that you understand the importance of these competencies and this is especially true during a simulator assessment.”

I’m confident in my ability and don’t need any preparation

Awesome! Of course this will be the case for a number of pilots seeking employment, but if it has been some time since you last went through a recruitment process, or if it is your first time, then we would strongly recommend taking some time and spending some money to prepare. Is it really worth losing out on that job opportunity as by-product of not being prepared? We know pilots from those with 15000 hours of Boeing 777 time to F35 Fighter Pilots that have been unsuccessful with airline simulator assessments – don’t become a statistic!

“We know pilots from those with 15000 hours of Boeing 777 time to F35 Fighter Pilots that have been unsuccessful with airline simulator assessments – don’t become a statistic!”

Simulator Assessment Preparation Courses by Flight Deck Wingman 

The Flight Deck Wingman simulator assessment preparation is in-depth, using EBT training and assessment to ensure that you have all bases covered for any simulator assessment. We offer both online theoretical training (3 hours) and full training and assessment preparation courses (7 hours) on a range of full-flight and fixed-base training devices. These courses are in-depth and (we believe) the best on the market. Led by Captain Magdi Serafi, a highly experienced trainer and airline recruiter with more than 20 years of experience, we will take you from classroom to simulator and beyond to debrief in this highly tailored course. You’ll also receive detailed written feedback on your performance and areas for development. Designed specifically towards simulator assessments for pilots of all experience levels, we are confident that we will give you the very best chance of success with any future simulator assessment process.

Learn more and book your place today at this link.

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